1BellTV is going through a service change. This is good for all of us. You get a more secure service, and a quicker response, if something happens to go wrong.
What you need to know.
1) The 1BellTV Max App will NOT change. The new service works with this app.
2) The next time you pay, we will email you a NEW username and password.
3) We advise, WAIT!! to pay your invoice until your account is 1 to 2 days from expiring. Giving us time to create and email your new account information.
4) This is an All In One app, so you will only need/receive ONE username and password.
5) This Video gives you simple instructions to set up the new account.
6) The video plays thru Dropbox NOT YouTube. You DO Not need the DropBox app. You will have the option to download the app or continue on Dropbox.com, it’s up to you.
Thank You, My Bell Management!
1 Bell TV Max
...is a live TV streaming app., currently made to work with most any Android device. We provide access to most any channel set-up out there. We work through most internet wi-fi. It is a pre-paid service, so there is no contract, no commitment. You can take your Android device with you when you travel. If wi-fi is available, you can watch your favorite shows wherever you are.